Chromebook Exchange/Drop-off

Attention incoming 9th graders (ONLY): 

We will have a chromebook exchange/drop-off on Thursday, July 30th from 9 am- noon. We ask that you do not enter the building, we will have employees working in front of the MS/HS entry way to collect and switch out your old chromebooks for the new chromebooks that you will have throughout the remainder of your high school career.

Please make sure that the case, chromebook, and charger are present. If all items just mentioned are not present or fully working, you will not receive your new chromebook until school starts. If you would like to pay for any items missing or damaged when you exchange/drop-off, here is a list of prices:


If you are not able to exchange your chromebook on Thursday, July 30th you can do the same process on Monday, August 3rd. We will not have employees outside, but you can call the MS/HS office at (918) 678-2222, press 4. Notify them that you are there to exchange/drop-off a chromebook and they will come out to meet you.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Buckingham via email at Thank you for your patience and understanding!