Chromebook Fee Update

We are going to make two major adjustments pertaining to chromebook fees this year.  We are going to raise the chromebook fee from $25 to $35.  We are also going to waive the chromebook fee for those who fill out the free/reduced lunch form and the Indian Education form for the 2021/2022.  It does NOT matter whether you qualify for free and reduced lunches or if Indian Education is relevant to you. As long as you fill out the forms, the fee is waived.  We will also be taking care of all of those things at the Open House on August 16th from 4:30-7:00.  

The Open House will include Free/Reduced forms, Indian Education forms, updated contact information, extra-curricular organization stations, and we will give out chromebooks and chromebook receipts to those who do not currently have one.  

Masks are not required for Open House but you are welcome to wear them to be safe as you walk around to teachers and the stations that evening.  

We are looking forward to seeing each of you for Open House on August 16th from 4:30-7:00.