Congratulations to Colton Short, Natalie Noel, Kailee Davis, Gavriel Epperson, and Austin Grassi (not pictured) for qualifying 2nd round all-state. The 1st round of auditions for JH and HS all state choirs was held on Saturday, October 27th. The state is divided into 4 quadrants and each quadrant auditions the same day. The results are compiled and the top singers in each part qualify for the 2nd round of auditions. HS all state auditions are held at UCO on Saturday, November 10th and JH all state auditions are held at Rose State College on Tuesday, November 13th. The Wyandotte qualifiers will audition again on their respective days with the hope of making the choir.

Choir Members Qualify for 2nd Round of All-State
October 29, 2018