March 11, 2020
Wyandotte Public Schools in cooperation with Music Theater International presents Junie B. Jones Jr.: The Musical. Tickets are on sale now in the MS/HS office until March 26, 2020...

March 5, 2020
On Saturday, February 29, 2020, several members of the Wyandotte Vocal department traveled to Claremore, Oklahoma to participate in the OSSAA district solo and ensemble contest. A...

March 3, 2020
Wyandotte Public Schools is now accepting applications for substitute teachers. To apply: 1. Click on the link here for the digital employment application. Or 2. See the Ad...

February 27, 2020
On February 19th, Wyandotte’s MS/HS Archery team traveled to the Tulsa Expo Square, to compete in the Oklahoma State Shootout. Wyandotte’s Archery team consists of Tieler Beard (7...

February 17, 2020
On Saturday, February 15, the 7/8 Academic Team went to Regionals at Oklahoma Union. In the first round, they won against Afton A. They lost in their second round against Commerce...

February 13, 2020
We are pleased to announce our February Students of the Month! For middle school, Avery Lofland. For high school, Jennelle Lundien.
Congratulations and great work!
Middle Sc...

February 7, 2020
On February 1, 2020, the 8/9 Academic Teams participated in Regionals in Chelsea, OK. Although the B team fell in the 3rd round, the A team took 4th in the tournament of 12 earnin...

February 5, 2020
On February 4, 2020, five members of the Wyandotte FCCLA chapter traveled to Tahlequah, OK to compete in Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) events. These are competiti...

February 4, 2020
On Saturday, February 1, 2020 we had 9 Wyandotte students perform at Circle the State. The performance started at 3:30 pm and was held in the Fine Arts Center in Bartlesville, Ok...

February 4, 2020
Wyandotte Public Schools would like your opinion. Parents and students please take the time to complete the appropriate survey(s). The results will remain anonymous and will be us...

January 30, 2020
On Monday, February 3, 2020 the following Wyandotte band students will travel to Oologah to participate in the 2020 Mid-East Oklahoma Band Directors Association Honor Band. Toget...

January 22, 2020
We would like to introduce, Mrs. Amber Langley to Wyandotte students, teachers, parents, and community members. “We recently received a grant from cHc SEK School Health and wi...

January 21, 2020
We are pleased to announce our January Students of the Month! For middle school, Josilynn Wyrick. For high school, Taylor Fent.
Congratulations and great work!
Middle School...

January 10, 2020
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) will host the NEO ACT Boot Camp on Saturday, February 1, 2020 . MasteryPrep experts who have earned perfect scores on both the ACT and SAT...

December 6, 2019
We are pleased to announce our December Students of the Month! For middle school, Ava Akers. For high school, Zane Bilinski.
Congratulations and great work!
Middle School

November 18, 2019
On Saturday, November 16th, Zane Bilinski was accepted into the 2020 OKMEA All-State Mixed Choir. The concert will be held in Tulsa at the Performing Arts Center on January 18, 20...

November 7, 2019
We are pleased to announce our November students of the month. For middle school, Tessa Herrera. For high school, Gavriel Epperson.
Congratulations and great work!
Middle S...

October 24, 2019
On Tuesday, October 22nd softball coaches from class 2A met to decide honors for the 2019 softball season. Wyandotte players received 7 of those accolades. The Wyandotte softball ...

October 24, 2019
On Wednesday, October 23rd TSA (Technology Student Association) attended a leadership conference in Norman, Oklahoma. The emphasis of the conference was to help TSA members build ...

October 22, 2019
On Saturday, October 19th Wyandotte HS XC competed at the 3A Regional in Keifer, OK. 2 team members will be advancing to the state competition held at Gordon Cooper Technology Cen...