November 14, 2018
Natalie, a freshman, auditioned for the 2019 Junior High All-State Choirs on November 13th, 2018. She was chosen to perform with the mixed choir. She will be traveling to Oklaho...

November 6, 2018
Many of you are aware of the tragedy that occurred last week in Beggs, OK. We as a community can relate, as we have lost 3 important figures in our community in the last co...

November 6, 2018
We are pleased to announce our November students of the month. For middle school, Samantha Griner and high school, Ashleigh Carr. Congratulations and great work!
Middle School...

November 3, 2018
On November 2, 2018, before the football game, the Wyandotte girls XC team received the state academic achievement award. The teams total gpa was in the top 10% of cross country ...

October 29, 2018
Congratulations to Colton Short, Natalie Noel, Kailee Davis, Gavriel Epperson, and Austin Grassi (not pictured) for qualifying 2nd round all-state. The 1st round of auditions for ...

October 25, 2018
We are mobile! The Wyandotte Public Schools mobile app is live. Download at the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
October 23, 2018
Posted: October 22, 2018
Thank you to Wyandotte Nation for donating to our students' future! Complete Story By Autum Bracey/ KODE 12 : https://www.fourstateshomepage... ...

October 17, 2018
Wyandotte MS Communications class had the privilege of touring the KOAM-FOX 14 studios. Students got to see the behind the scenes of how a news cast works, the different jobs avai...

October 17, 2018
Great Job at the Greenhand District Contest by Wyandotte FFA. We had the top 3 in the written contest (Taylor Fent 1st, Taylor Post 2nd, Chase Russell 3rd). This landed them ...
October 16, 2018
We would like to congratulate Lady Bear Tarrah Stephens who has signed a National Letter of Intent to continue her basketball career at John Brown University. The Golden Eagles a...