Back to school tomorrow! Please prepare for chilly weather. WYANDOTTE NATION POLICE: Winter Weather Advisory until 12:00PM Thursday nixle.us/AN6G2 Reply with a friend's # to forward

Bears defeat Commerce tonight 82-45. #BFND @wpsoklahoma

Lady Bears go on the road tonight and defeat Commerce 51-19. #BFND @wpsoklahoma.

Bears defeat Caney Valley 68-45 to claim Ken Sooter Tournament Championship. #BFND

Lady Bears defeat Welch 46-24 to claim 3rd place in Ken Sooter Invitational. #BFND

Bears defeat Quapaw 66-31 and advance to tomorrow’s Ken Sooter Championship. Game time is 8:30pm. #BFND

Lady Bears come up short to Quapaw in the Ken Sooter Tournament 46-33. Lady Beats will play tomorrow at 4:00 for 3rd place. #BFND

Red Ribbon Week poster winners! These students were presented a cash reward from Wyandotte Nation. 1st place, Archer; 2nd place, Raleigh; and 3rd place, Shyann! Congratulations!

This week's Paws-itively Outstanding students! #bestyearever #littlebears

Please help our kids have a wonderful Christmas. Adopt an Angel at the MS/HS office.

This week's Paws-itively Outstanding students! #littlebears #bestyearever

Adair Tournament Girls BB: Final Vinita 62 Wyandotte 32 #BFND @wpsoklahoma

Adair Tournament Boys: Wyandotte defeats Dewey 63-50. #BFND

REMINDER: Join us on Tuesday, December 11th @ 6:00 pm, for the elementary Christmas program. This will be held in the new gym. Hope to see you there!

What’s happening at the Dotte? Thursday, November 6th: HS Basketball Adair Tournament- Boys 6:30pm/Girls 7:30pm.
Bus will depart at 4:00pm for Adair. JH Basketball at Welch @ 5:00PM 6th & 8th grade (4 games). NHS Meeting today during seminar. #BFND

UPDATE: Adair Tournament brackets have been revised with the possibility of bad weather coming in on Saturday, December 8th. New brackets have been posted to the Facebook pages and the Athletic Schedules/Documents section on the website.

What’s happening at the Dotte? Tuesday, November 4th: Band Christmas Concert this evening.
MS STUCO meeting @ 12:05.

Boys Basketball @ Adair Tournament: Bears come up short vs. Gravette Ar. 55-45. Wyandotte will play Thursday at 6:00pm.

Girls Basketball @Adair Tournament: Wyandotte defeats Gravette Ar. 48-44 The Lady Bears will play Thursday at 7:30pm. #BFND

NJHS members Zane Cox, Madi Lyman, Hunter Huffman, Angelina Rutledge, and Hailey Hemann getting their picture with Santa while volunteering at the Rustic Oaks Santa's Workshop! Photo credit: Mrs. Burns. 🎅🌲